Monthly Archives: November 2024

Using the System to Transform the System

By |2024-11-29T10:55:03-08:00November 29th, 2024|Self-Help|

What do we know about systems? Once they are up and running, they tend to get stronger and stronger; they become systemized! I only have to look at the systems we have in our household to see just how entrenched they have become. Who makes dinner? Me. Who cleans up after dinner? Me again. Who [...]

Let’s Not “Just Conform”

By |2024-11-29T10:45:32-08:00November 29th, 2024|Self-Help|

For much of my life, I've tried to fit into situations and conversations that never quite fit me back. My grandma used to say, "There you go, being contrary again; that's the Smith in you." She meant it as a quip about my argumentative streak, supposedly inherited from her husband's side of the family. But [...]

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