Parenting and Finances

This is Mine

By |2017-08-15T00:42:45-07:00August 15th, 2017|Divorce Self-Help, Parenting and Finances|

This is Kitty                 And this is Kitty out enjoying nature.  "Uh - looks like fireman Lego with a Darth Vader Lego cape and falling off headphones." That's what you think. Oh how wrong you are. Kitty (and Kitty is the combination of Lego man and the cat [...]


By |2016-11-25T02:24:49-08:00October 18th, 2016|Divorce Self-Help, Parenting and Finances, Self-Help|

Have you ever thought of yourself as a bad mother? I know I have. In fact, "I'm a bad mother" is a like a tagline that accompanies all my parenting mistakes. Despite knowing that parenting is challenging and I couldn't possibly be expected to get it right the first time (especially as I don't research [...]

The Child Support Guidelines and How they Impact Parenting Decisions

By |2016-11-25T02:24:51-08:00November 12th, 2015|Divorce Self-Help, Financial Planning Steps, Parenting and Finances|

I recently did a set of spending plans for a couple that is separated. They are trying to sort of the how they are going to share parenting arrangements going forward.  Their individual financial situations depend on what they decide. Are they going to share parenting or is one parent going to be designated the [...]

Does Salary Level Determine the Worthiness of a Job?

By |2016-11-25T02:24:51-08:00August 31st, 2015|Divorce Self-Help, Parenting and Finances|

Does salary level determine the worthiness of a job or a person? I think most of us would say “NO WAY!” including myself yet actions and behaviour speak louder than words. When I was earning a decent salary (actually some would have probably considered it indecent), for my age people treated me differently. They seemed [...]

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