
Thoughts – I Can’t Do It

By |2016-11-25T02:24:53-08:00November 10th, 2014|Beginning Again, Self-Help|

There are many of negative thoughts out there that keep a person stuck in one place. I know because these thoughts kept me stuck: I let those thoughts control my actions. One thought that keeps turning  up in my life is "I can't do it." This is accompanied with "I am not good, smart, ambitious, deserving. [...]

Thoughts – Alone

By |2014-11-10T20:42:21-08:00November 7th, 2014|Beginning Again, Self-Help|

Do you sometimes think to yourself “I am alone”? I do. It is usually immediately after dropping my kids off at school on a day that is the start of a five day stretch where they live at their dad’s home. It doesn’t matter that about thirty minutes earlier they were driving me bonkers with [...]

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