Monthly Archives: November 2019

Excuse Me, You are a What?

By |2019-11-20T10:37:30-08:00November 20th, 2019|Divorce Self-Help|

I'm a Financial Neutral in the Collaborative Divorce Process. I think you need some background, so let me explain... When I first began my business, I didn't know much about myself, and I started under the general guidelines I knew about free-lancing. Those being:  Offer a service or product (the development phase). Put yourself out there [...]

Are You Really Alone?

By |2022-08-08T11:31:07-07:00November 3rd, 2019|Beginning Again, Divorce Self-Help, Self-Help|

Photo by Noah Silliman on Unsplash Hi, Yesterday you inspired me to write this post. Why? Because I only write about what I know, and everything you said resonated with me. "I know that," I thought to myself. "Yes, I've felt that way too." I had a consoling platitude for everything you said. I wanted [...]

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