Monthly Archives: October 2015

Economic Update Daydreaming

By |2016-11-25T02:24:51-08:00October 29th, 2015|Beginning Again, Financial Planning Steps|

I recently went to the Economic Update that CPABC (that's Chartered Professional Accountants of BC) puts on every year. I go every year as it is free professional development (well, almost free as it consumes my time) and I always think that I might learn something. This year I learned that the Economic Update works [...]

Coaching verses Commanding

By |2016-11-25T02:24:51-08:00October 21st, 2015|Divorce Self-Help, Self-Help|

  "People turn up in your life when you need them." This was said to me by someone recently and she was essentially predicting her appearance in my life. At the time of our meeting, I was actually thinking: "I do not need this person at all in my life." She blew in the door and [...]

The Chicken or the Egg in Divorce

By |2016-11-25T02:24:51-08:00October 10th, 2015|Divorce Self-Help|

  Divorce is usually the end result of a typical progression of circumstances. It usually goes like this: You get married You begin navigating your married life with your partner You and your partner start experiencing challenging life circumstances You and your partner begin to realize you approach life's challenges differently You attempt to negotiate with [...]

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